Friday, February 04, 2005

Criminal cookie-dropping - LOCAL NEWS

I am flabbergasted by this story. Two Durgano, Colorado girls decided to bake some cookies and drop them off at doorsteps in their community. Apparently the doorbell ringing and running away (after leaving a plate of cookies at the doorstep) frightened a 49-year-old woman so badly she went to the hospital the next day suffering a severe anxiety attack. And then she SUED the girls for the hospital bill and pain and suffering. And WON the hospital bill money, which, incidentally, the parents were originally willing to pay if the woman wouldn't sue them further. She refused, and took them to court.

Shame on her. What a terrible, terrible way to behave. I don't care how scared you were. If you want to help the girls raise money to pay for the bill, you can go here. (scroll down a little)

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